Saturday, June 14, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

Model File Download


Another Copy in Google Sketchup Warehouse

The Building has been orientated in the Sktechup Model. So you can experience how it plays with the sunlight.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Client Programme

1. A large room capable of displaying paintings and sculptures up to 5 square meters and for relatively large installations.
2. Smaller rooms for displaying items such photographs, watercolours, prints and small sculptures.
3. An office, minimum of 10 square metres.
4. A workshop minimum 20 squares meters.
5. A stockroom minimum 20 square meters.
6. A small bed-sit apartment with bathroom, minimum 40 square meters.
7. A living area adjacent to the apartment which has kitchen facilities for gallery functions, 20 square meters.